Company description
gym physical exercices, exclusif personal training , nutrition ,circuit training, healthy product , gp referal. beauty treatment , massage, cardio, tonning, fat loss , corp stability and strengh
More details
- Fitness Services
- 1 to 1 studio, 50 + fitness, Access to a gym, Back care, Body sculpting, Bodybuilding, Boxercise, Circuit training, Core conditioning, Corrective exercise, Fitness testing, GP referral, Group exercise, Home visits, Life coaching, Marathon preparation, Massage, Muscle toning, Nutrition, One to One training, Personal training, Physiotherapy, Posture training, Resistance training, Special populations, Sport rehabilitation, Sports massage, Stability training, Strength training, Stress management, Swedish massage, Weight lifting, Weight management
- Service
- cardiovascular , weight loss, Momentum weight lift, corp strenght, Programme design, fitness programm, nutritional program, sports massage
- Personal Message
- Your easy way to fitness with less weight on your mind. call me know ang get your first session half price
- Current Promotions
- Consultations 10 refundable against the first session. Individual personal training 25 or
- Unique Services
- private gym, , free car park, , free consultation, , friendly atmosphere
- Payment Accepted
- Cheque, Cash, Delta, Switch, Electron, MasterCard, Visa
- Extra Promotions
- Tennis coaching 20 per individual or 15 for two.
- Email
- [email protected]
- Body Membership