Banqueting House offers Tourist Attractions services in London, England area.
More details
-The Admirable Crichton -At Home Catering -By Word of Mouth -The Chelsea Catering Company -Create Foods -Crown Society -LCS Catering -Mosimann's Party Service -Moving Venue -Mustard Catering -Party Ingredients -Payne and Gunter -Alison Price and Company -Rhubarb Food Design -Searcy's
Nearest Tube
Westminster The Banqueting House has a list of caterers selected to offer the highest standard of quality to guarantee a perfect event.
Payment Accepted
JCB accepted, MasterCard accepted, Solo accepted, Sterling Travellers Cheques accepted, Maestro accepted, Visa accepted
Index Terms
Palladian Architecture, National Importance, Civil War, Stuart, Royalty, Jones, Inigo, Charles I, Painters
Visit Details
Groups accepted, Min group size, Max group size, Toilets, Audio commentary in foreign languages
Admission £4.50 adults, £3.50 seniors and students, £2.25 children 15 and under