Company description
Claritas Hearing is an independent hearing care provider, offering a suite of services designed to empower the people of the UK to make the most of their hearing.
Since our inception in 2010, we have strategically built a strong network of partners, audiological professionals, and healthcare practitioners, all working to revolutionise the healthcare industry for the benefit of anyone who might be experiencing difficulties with their hearing.
As a leader in hearing care excellence, we pride ourselves on our open, honest, and all-inclusive approach to customer service. This is the reason for Age UK’s decision to nominate us as their hearing care provider of choice, to ensure that anyone in the UK experiencing hearing difficulties will receive exceptional service and support.
Our promise has always been simple: to deliver exactly what we say we will, to every customer and patient. By fulfilling this promise, we will ensure everyone in the UK has access to best-in-class healthcare on their terms.