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Mentioning the correct IP address is one of the most important things. For example, should be mentioned correctly. Here, 192.168.o.1.1 is wrong and is right to mention. In this way, you need to provide the correct IP address for routing.
In fact, you can make the routing tables in the variety of ways. As the way, the smaller LANs can be made through the IP route command at the booting time. The larger networks can use the routing daemons for building and adjusting the routing.
Based on the size of the network, you can use the variety of routing protocols. As the way, there are two different kinds of routing protocols are used and they are like as follows.
• Internal Routing protocols
• External Routing protocols
As the way, the internal protocols may use the protocols like RIP, BSD and more. In addition to that, some of the external protocols are used for the routing as EGP, BGP and more.