Drug Testing London

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The Old Chapel
53 Peel Street
Manchester Greater Manchester, M30 0NG
United Kingdom
Phone number:
0800 988 7107

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Company description

We have 14 Drug Testing Clinics and mobile collection services all over the Greater London area. Each provides a wide range of drug and alcohol testing services, whilst selected clinics offer counselling and therapy options.

The most popular drug testing services in London consist of: Urine Drug Testing - both point of care (POC) and laboratory testing, Oral fluid Drug Testing, Hair Drug Tests and a combination of alcohol testing that consists of both breath, saliva or blood samples. Moreover, every single drug test can be used for a range of reasons, these involve: Private Drug and Alcohol Testing for individuals looking to validate abstinence; Workplace drug testing, consisting of random, pre-employment and 'For Cause' - either on site at your business premises, or off-site at a clinic location. All Laboratory drug testing is lawfully defensible, and can be used for court reasons.

For private individual drug testing for court reasons, UK courts recommend Hair samples for drug and alcohol tests. This is due to the drug detection window can go back many months to identify drug and/or alcohol usage. Furthermore, hair may be segmented to produce a month by month research if requested. Appointments for the collection of hair samples can be generated through our head office for any of the London locations.

Workplace drug testing is on the rise in London. Also the traditional safety critical industries like construction and rail, many service based industries are also implementing drug and alcohol testing into their company. Therefore, the requirement for such services in the Greater London area has taken off in recent years. This is the major reason we now have 14 locations in Greater London, delivering the best possible coverage to fulfill the demand for drug testing services. Moreover, we also provide safety critical and PTS workplace medicals at selected Medical Centres in London.

Drug Testing Clinics London, is part of Crystal Health Group. All drug and alcohol testing services are certified to ISO 9001, 27001 and 14001. Furthermore the company is licensed to do drug and alcohol testing for Network Rail. Moreover, being authorized to ISO 27001 - Information Security Management Systems, assures we comply with all GDPR requirements, delivering you with confidence that your personal data is safe. All laboratory testing is performed in UKAS 17025 Accredited laboratory facilities here in the UK.

With our convenient locations, ISO certified and authorized processes and fast appointment times and reporting times, we have quickly turned into established as a reputable company for delivering drug testing services in London and the UK. Get in touch with us right away for a no obligation quotation by consulting with an authorized Clinical Adviser.

More details

Service Hours
Phone lines are open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday. Sample collection appointments are available outside business hours
Payments Accepted
All major debit and credit cards. Cheque and cash for selected services only


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