Peking Palace Chinese Restaurant

0 reviews


9 St. Johns Street
Bedford MK42 0AH
United Kingdom

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Peking Palace Chinese Restaurant image 1
Peking Palace Chinese Restaurant image 2
Peking Palace Chinese Restaurant image 3

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Company description

A Chinese restaurant specialising in Peking and Canton cuisine. With the use of only the finest ingredients, we have over 100 appetising dishes to choose from.

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Payment Accepted
Maestro, Solo, American Express, Cash, Delta, Switch, Eurocard, Electron, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Entrance to car park located on Cauldwell Street - turn right at the last access way, before the traffic lights.
Service available. Order and collect. See takeaway menu on website.
58% of 24 people liked it on Urbanspoon
chinese,mmmmm,take away


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