Smart Inventory Service Limited

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1881 Kemp House
152 City Road
London EC1V 2NX
United Kingdom
Phone number:
0208 857 6665
07960 838 666

Accepted payments

American Express payment accepted Cash payment accepted Check payment accepted Connect payment accepted Delta payment accepted Diner's club payment accepted Discover payment accepted Electron payment accepted Financing payment accepted Invoice payment accepted Maestro payment accepted Mastercard payment accepted Paypal payment accepted Postal Order payment accepted Solo payment accepted Switch payment accepted Traveler's Check payment accepted Visa payment accepted

Location on map


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Company description

Professional Inventory Service For Letting Agents, Landlords & Tenants.
For Letting Agents, Landlords & Tenants Inventory make, check in and out reports covering South & East London, Kent and Surrey. Smart Inventories is a premier bespoke inventory firm, offering highly competitve rates and fast, thorough performance across a wide range of services. All assignments are inclusive of photographic records.


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