Company description
Directories, phone directory, telephone directories, directories, directory, search directories, yellow pages, reverse telephone directories, people search, whitepages, yellow pages directories,
More details
- Areas Served
- UK, Wales, Scotland, London, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Bath, Bristol, Plymounth, Exeter, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Swansea, Guildford, Brighton, Bournemouth, York, Newcastle
- Online Directory
- search for a local business in London, Manchester, Bristol, Bath, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Plymouth, Cardiff and across the UK
- Products Include
- Online directory listings, pay-per-click, web sites, direct marketing, email marketing, video advertising
- Payment Accepted
- Maestro, Delta, Switch, Cheque, Invoice, Cash, MasterCard, Visa
- Find Professional Services
- Solicitors, Architects, Accountants, Financial advisors, Surveyors
- Find Health And Beauty
- Doctors, Beauty salons, Hairdressers, Health clubs, Dentists
- Find Shops
- Shoe shops, clothes shops, supermarkets, convenience stores
- Find Tradesmen
- Plumbers, electricians, builders, skip hire, decorators
- Find Personal Services
- Cleaners, Childminders, Home help, Personal trainers
- Find Wedding Supplies
- Bridal shops, suit hire, caterers, hotels
- Find Places To Eat
- Restaurants, pubs, cafes, pizza parlours
- Find Transport
- Taxis, car hire, car dealers, coach hire
- Speciality
- Local business directory
- Email
- Find Uk Businesses
- search for a business
- Business Directory
- 2 million listings
- Printed Directory
- 85% of the UK
- In Business Since
- 1980
- Free Estimate Provided
- Yes