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Paul Reed reviewed Carlton Institute

Hello, I would just like to share my experience with you at the Carlton Institute. I went on the two day Swedish Body massage course, my tutor was Janet. I am afraid I failed! At the time I was so disappointed! But I was intvited back to try again for FREE. I am so glad I failed now! Janet was right, I wasn't ready. My second tutor was Natasha, she was so calm and the patients of a saint! I applied the techniques, mastered the movements and passed. I am now doing an NVQ level 3. I have my insurance in place, which the Carlton recommended and I must say it is very reasonable! I completed my diploma just 2 weeks ago and already have several returning happy clients. I also completed my Indian Head Massage, my tutor was Natalie, who instantly recognized my problem was confidence over technique and worked closely with me to achieve a pass rate. A great teacher! My only advice I can offer is ask for a test manual when you book your course, this will give you time to to revise, as there isn't much time to digest the theory whlist you are learning so much practical on such an intense course. Out of 10 I would give a 9. Thank You! Paul Reed