Avoid at all costs!!!!! wanted them to fix a broken window lock. The first appointment they didnt turn up and we had to phone them. We were eventualy phoned back over an hour after our appointment slot to say they couldnt make it. Second appointment the contractor arrived after our appointment slot and said he'd have to order the parts. Made a formal complaint about customer service and contact and were told it was being investigated. 2 weeks later we were given an appointement for fitting. However, over and hour into our appointment time they rang us and said he wasnt comming.. So thats 3 days weve had off work between us for no good reason. Rang a local company who were lovely and suprising carried these so called difficult to get hold of parts on their vans! Able are a jack of all trades company who sub-contract out to local people so they can list themselves as local. They really dont care about customer service as long as they get their deposit off you on the first call.